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Forest Farm Carbon Project




Contributing to our mission of creating a place of high conservation value where nature thrives, we are transitioning a harvestable plantation to a permanent forest. 




We are retaining the forestry plantations as existing wildlife habitat (and koala food species), whilst strategically enhancing the ecological condition of the land by developing understory and replacement over time.


The purpose is to transition to functional and resilient vegetation ecosystems.

The Carbon Project


The Forest Farm Carbon Project protects the carbon sequestered in approximately 60 hectares of remnant plantation for 100 years, and will see the plantation transition to a permanent diverse forest over time.



Forest Farm Carbon Project is registered with the Australian Clean Energy Regulator under the Plantation Forestry Method 2022. 


The specific details of our project (ERF183334) can be found here.

Contact us for more information about the carbon project


Co-benefits of the carbon project


A key co-benefit of the Forest Farm Carbon Project is:


  • improving the natural habitat for flora and wildlife (including koalas, birds, insects, other native mammals and aquatic vertebrates)​



To this end, Forest Farm is leveraging the scientifically-grounded and robust Accounting for Nature (AfN) framework, to certify, monitor and track progress over time.



Koala Habitat

Two of the remnant plantation species (flooded gum and blackbutt) are secondary koala food and habitat trees.

Primary food and habitat trees will be added to improve the habitat.


We acknowledge all First Nations People of this great land, most especially the Nyangbal People of the Bundjalung Nation as the Traditional Custodians of the Country where Forest Farm is located. We celebrate their enduring connection to the land and forests of this beautiful place, recognise their deep knowledge of Country and thank them for caring for this Country for thousands of generations. We acknowledge that First Nations sovereignty was never ceded and recognise this continent always was and always will be First Nations Country. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and extend that respect to all First Nations People who arrive at this site.

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